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OnSpot delivers a user-driven solution for audience creation, campaign activation, and results reporting for your marketing efforts. Our industry leading data, combined with simplified tools will help you exceed your business goals.

OnSpot Solves Key Marketing Challenges

  • Cookieless Targeting – All audience building solutions have been designed and function without the use of cookies.
  • Cross-Channel Measurement & Reporting – Accurately pull together results across all digital marketing channels. Find areas of opportunity. Prove return on ad spend.
  • Cost Effective Performance – Keep costs down while making measurable improvements to engagement, conversions, and sales.

Proven Marketing Tools That Drive Success

  • Comprehensive Analytics – Understand the “Who,” “What,” and “Where & When” of your ideal customer.

  • Precision Targeting – Accurately capture individuals within your ideal customer profile. Confidently know your audience contains the right people.

  • Multichannel Activation – Send audience data across channels, devices, and screens for maximum impact.

  • Cross-Device Ad Delivery – Deliver media to the right audience at the right time using the Integrated DSP or most major DSPs and social platforms.

  • Accurate Attribution – Attribute audiences to in-store visits, online browsing, and sales to prove return on ad spend.

Unique Insights from Expanded Attribution

Use the OnSpot Integrated DSP for additional levels of reporting not available elsewhere. Measure campaign response by:

  • Creative Asset
  • Original Target Location
  • Media Type or Tactic
  • Household Location

Identify opportunities to optimize like never before.

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