OnSpot Data

Desktop & CTV Targeting Available

Cross device options for audiences published to the OnSpot Integrated DSP.

We have added new publishing options for users of the OnSpot platform + Integrated DSP to select the device type(s) you would like to serve your media on. The options now include Desktop/CTV device targeting, or both mobile and Desktop/CTV targeting.

The Desktop/CTV publishing option uses our cross-device graph to match Mobile Ad IDs identified in the audience you’ve built with associated Desktop and/or CTV devices in the household of the original audience. This allows for 1:1 targeting at the IP address level for improved campaign performance, as opposed to other DSP providers that target a range of IP addresses.

How to Access The New Publishing Feature for Desktop/CTV Device Targeting

When publishing to the OnSpot Integrated DSP, there is a new menu allowing you to select between Mobile, Desktop/CTV, or both. You can also select extensions and scheduling options as usual.

How to View Your Published Audiences in the OnSpot Integrated DSP

When viewing the Audience Library in the OnSpot Integrated DSP, you will now see a filter to view “Mobile Audiences,” or “Desktop/CTV Audiences.”

How to Set Up Line Items in the OnSpot Integrated DSP for Mobile, Desktop, or CTV Targeting

When building a line item, be sure to confirm which device type you are targeting in the “General Settings” section:

Next, when defining your audience targeting, search for mobile audiences in the “Mobile Audience” search field, and Desktop/CTV audiences in the “Desktop/CTV Audience” search field. 

Note that the device type in the “General Settings” must match the corresponding audience defined in the “Targeting” settings. Example: desktop must be selected as the device type with a desktop audience selected in the targeting settings.

Please contact your OnSpot support team member for more information.

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