OnSpot Data

Preview the Enhanced Visual Reporting from OnSpot

New Look | New Data | New Customization

The Onspot team has been working on releasing new enhancements to all of our visual reports including:

Insights | Demographic Profile | Political Profile | Attribution Reporting | Campaign Proposal | Campaign Summary

Beyond enhancements to the visualization of the data, we have added new elements into the reports to give you the ability to provide customized information to your stakeholders so that they can interpret reports easily and efficiently. Lastly, there are new data elements available that provide a more comprehensive picture of customer personas and behavior that build upon what you've come to expect from OnSpot reporting. Stay tuned for more information on the release date of these new reports.

Audience Insights - What's New

- Downloadable PDF Version

- Customizable Visits by Hour Table

- Customizable Visits by Weekday Table

- Improved Visitor Households Map

- Weather Conditions During the Reporting Period

Audience Demographic Profile - What's New

- Downloadable PDF Version

- Audience Education Levels

- Lifestyle - Top 5 Interests

- Lifestyle - Top 5 Contributors to Charity

- Lifestyle - Top 5 Media Usage

Audience Political Profile - What's New

- Downloadable PDF Version

- Updated Political Party Probability Visualizations

- Updated Turnout and Donation Visualizations

Attribution Reporting - What's New

- Downloadable PDF Version

- Customizable text available for users to write a campaign summary and recommendations tailored to your client.

- Weather Conditions During Attribution Period

 -Online Visits by Weekday Graph - for Web Pixel Attribution

- Responder's Profile - a snapshot view of the demographic makeup of all responders to your campaign, whether in-store or online.

Benefits: learn even more about "who" your campaign respondents are in order to:

- Tailor your next offer to this group

- Apply our Audience Extension tools to capture additional likely responders with the same Demographic and Behavioral characteristics.

- Responder's Shopping - a snapshot view of other brand categories and leisure activities responders to your campaign also participate in.


- Understand where else responders to your campaign shop and visit, including popular leisure activities to create a more complete customer persona.

- Apply this knowledge to create additional targeting tactics for a more robust marketing strategy.

Campaign Proposal - What's New

- Downloadable PDF Version

- Free form text to include additional proposal specifics in addition to flight dates, budget, targeting, and line item information.

Campaign Summary - What's New

- Downloadable PDF Version

- Free form text to include additional campaign results specifics in addition to flight dates, budget, targeting, and line item performance information.

- Creative mockups

- Performance metrics by Gender, Age, and Ethnicity

- Performance metrics by weather

- Top 5 Performing Locations

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