Analyze devices and dwell time of patrons visiting the locations where their DOOH installations are serving advertising and upload to Place Exchange monthly to set advertising rates for each property.
Measuring all foot traffic at the gas station parking lot, pumps, and convenience store on-site.
Create custom Geoframes around each gas station and/or convenience store to collect the mobile devices observed during the month. Determine the average dwell time of each device and provide a report to the client.
Client is able to analyze the foot traffic and dwell time data together to determine the value of each individual location in order to set media pricing for their advertisers.
- Monthly reports delivered to Place Exchange show 3x reach based on real data, resulting in higher media valuation.
OnSpot's Geoframing technology provides a more accurate method than competitors to measure the viewership of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertisements displayed on screens at gas stations.